Tuesday, November 28, 2006

more terms

More Terms to learn about thanks to Urban Dictionary. (urbandictionary.com)

FOD: Foreign Object Debris. For those of you who were in an air force(any air force, not strictly the US or Canadian's) that was a vital and necessary duty before a tactical fighter squadron's jet fighters could be launched. It consists of walking from one end of the runway to the other in search of nuts, bolts, tools ANY loose objects of any size that could be easily sucked up by the jet engines... This was not to be allowed to happen because it is dangerous for the pilot and the aircraft...

If you work in any airline type company, you will know about this FOD. People are supposed to pick up any FOD around the airport.

riding neons: To be riding in a car equipped with neon lights on the rims or undercarriage of the car.

Comment: Okay, I hear this in songs all the time and I always wonder they’re talking about. Sorry, I can’t afford to ‘ride on neons’. They do look sweet in a Batman and Robin way… BTW, this would defeat the purpose of a car chase, because your neon lights will give you away.

X-Box: A Halo machine soon to also be a Halo 2 machine. Nothing more.

Dude, let's go play my Halo machine.

Comment: I heard somebody at work use this term, but they called it a Halo-Box.

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