Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Kramer vs. Kramer vs. Michael Richards

Where's the silly hair?

Kramer loses it

There are certain things you can say and certain things you can’t say. Michael Richards crossed that line with his racist comments. I didn’t know about the incident until someone asked me about it at work, and they had to explain it to me, that was when I went home and looked for it on CNN. Who knew Kramer was a bitter washed up stand-up that loses his cool by shouting out racist comments to black people.

((Michael Richards, best know for his role as Kramer in the TV series Seinfeld, has apologised for his expletive-laden racist tirade during a stand-up performance at a Los Angeles comedy club.))

Uh, best known ONLY for his role as Kramer.

((''I was at the comedy club trying to do my act and got heckled and I took it badly and went into a rage,'' Richards said.))

Part of being a comedian is knowing how to come back from being heckled. Most comedians have had bad encounters from hecklers, but the best ones know how to bring it into their act, and make the heckler feel like shit, and making them look like fools. Kramer, uh Richards, broke from his stage act and just said some bad things that weren’t funny or entertaining.

The worst part was Richards using the N-word. Some people still don’t understand how hard this word hits home with black people. And, there are some black people that use this word to describe other black people. I, being a black man myself, don’t like the word, but I understand why other black use the word, and it would take too long to explain here. However, when a white person uses the word, it hurts. Here’s why, it reduces every black person to something lower than human, and belittles everything black people have tried to accomplish. This Kramer Incident reveals that America still has long way to go in race relations. Perhaps, Mel ‘Passion’ Gibson can give him some pointers.

Here’s the biggest question though, Are people really paying money to see Kramer doing stand up? Was he ever funny?


  1. I loved Seinfeld. I loved the Kramer character. I'm not sure I could ever watch an episode again, seriously. It's tainted now. The innocence is gone. I wonder how Jerry will feel about it when DVD sales of future season releases tank.

    I'm white. As much as the N word offends you and me. Some of his other statements were FAR more offensive to me than his use of the N word. When he said, "That's what happens when you interrupt a white man" NOT when you interrupt ME but "when you interrupt A (as in any) white man"... that just makes me ill.

    There's a deep stream of hate and bigotry flowing through that man. When you lose it like that you aren't thinking... hey I should use the N word... hey I should dehumanize a race for "effect" or "shock value" or "impact." No when you lose it like he lost it you aren't thinking at all... you're just letting out what's always been in there.

    I don't care what Michael Richards says. I don't care who he apologizes to. Michael Richards is a bigot. He didn't lose his temper last Friday night. He revealed his heart.

    Wow! I think I'm going to save this and post it on my site right now.

  2. You're right, the man has some anger issues to deal with and the man just seems bitter. His clip on Letterman just shows that the man doesnt understand any of it. Good posts.
