Friday, November 10, 2006

Karl Rove a Talosian?

You know, every time I look at Karl Rove, I think there's something wrong with his oversize dome. Then I realized that his enormous head reminds me of that first Star Trek Pilot episode way back in the 60s. He reminded me of those Talosians (A race with huge heads that spoke telepathically instead of with their mouths.) The Talosians were able to create a false reality for Captain Pike. All around, not a bad episode, which was rejected by NBC.

Now, it all makes sense. Rove, a Talosian, created this false reality where we all believed that Mr. Bush was and is a good President. Very clever, Rove. Check out the picture below to compare it to the one above.

Useless fact, these male aliens were played by old ladies, with men recording the voices in post-production, creepy.


  1. I loved that pilot! And that is a piece of trivia I had never heard before. My wife is a HUGE old-school trek fan. Wait till I tell her this.

  2. that is too funny! Great posting. Thanks for the link as well. Keep up good work and remember to always use your powers for Awesome like Strong Bad advises.

  3. Is Rove also being played by an old lady? If so, who's doing the post production on him?

  4. Allen: Hey no problem. You’re correct; the pilot in some ways is pure Star Trek, before NBC demanded changes to the show, thus making it a more action type show. Looking back at the show today, it was way ahead of its time in concept and plot points.

    Mayren: No problem, I’ve always love your postings, BTW, I have to get that Strong Bad Techno song

    Carl OsGood: Probably, Newt or Rumsfield thanks for droping in
