Friday, November 03, 2006

Final Fantasy XII First Look

So, what’s been keeping me from updating my blog? Well, Final Fantasy XII of course. This game is so freaking good that it’s kept me up at night, playing it for hours. Like Glitch mentioned in his blog, the game is well-crafted and just downright fun. It fells like an Online game that’s offline. Think of this game as FFXI-2.

The Voice Acting

The voice acting is right up there with the MGS series. While FFX had some awkward moments during some of the dialogue, this game feels like a Fantasy movie. All round, the acting is top notch and the lip-synching actually fits with the words. Square went all out for this one.

License system

This is where FFXII feels like FFX. This system is sort of like FFX’s sphere grid, but on a chessboard. You get your License points from battles as well as XP. It gives you more freedom to shape your character.

The Battlefield

This is the really cool part about the game. Once you reach outside, you can freely roam around the landscape and explore your surroundings. Most monsters are on screen and you fight them without any screen shifting. (Note: Most monsters are seen and can be avoided, but not all…)

Other cool factors are the ‘other’ monsters and people roaming the land. You see, there are NPCs that have weapons and kill monsters too just like you. They sometime come over to help you out. I’m sure there’s more to this.

The ‘other’ monsters are the ones that don’t attack you when they see you. They react to you, but they won’t fight you if you don’t fight them. Here’s the kicker, some of these ‘others’ will passively heal enemies you attack, if they like those monsters. I was fighting a lizard and this rabbit creature began to heal him!

Then there are other non-aggressive monsters that will heal you and throw protect on you if you attack their enemies. I had a planet-like creature cast protect on me for no other reason than I guess it liked me. These extra touches make this game just cool to play.

Go out and buy this game, trust me, it’s that fun.



  1. I'd like to enjoy this game more, but I'm stuck at this one part which I've spent more hours trying to get past than I have playing the rest of the game.

  2. Where are you in the game? If need be, go to I gotten out of some jams because of one those FAQs

  3. Finally got out of the area I was stuck at. I was in the place where the guards chase you down and you have to turn off the alarm. I'm assuming you've made it that far. If not, sorry for the spoiler.

  4. Oh, yeah I just kept fighting them to boost my LPs and XP. Now, I'm trying to finish some of the Monster Hunting quests, I didnt know these Hunting Quests also lead to non-hunting quests.
