Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The Break-Up

The Break-Up

This movie stars Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston in a romantic comedy about breaking up. The trailers would have you believe that the movie is a fun stupid comedy about breaking up, but there are some disturbing things in the movie that make them both look like appalling characters. So, you end up hating both of them in the end, and people should shout at their screens saying, “It’s over, get over it you two.” And, this is logical problem with the movie, because these two will not move out of their joint-ownership apartment, and it’s really sad to see these two go at it for the entire movie.

As far as acting goes, most of it is fair to good, Jason Bateman, Jon Favreau, John Michael Higgins being the ‘break’ out performances in the movie. Jennifer Aniston looks good naked and that’s pretty much all you can say for her performance. Vaughn merely is pretty much playing another version of himself; look at Swingers and The Wedding Crashers for similar performances. With this large casts, the main problem is that none of them really are able to shine thanks to the limited screen time.

The movie isn’t bad, but just not good. BTW, the movie does have an un-Hollywood ending, which gives it some points.

Grade C-

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