Tuesday, October 17, 2006

U of L,, here I come

I just got a letter today, saying I'm in good standing with UofL admissions. This basically means I am now a student in UofL. This also means I can go into the school of communications there. Yep, now I'm part of a huge University. I guess this cause for some celebration.

Now, I know I'm going into communications, but I was thinking about getting back into music too. I am not sure I still have the chops to play music anymore. We'll see. While I'm not showing it, I am happy about this.


  1. Congrats! ^_____^ Take your time thinking about what you want to study - it took me a year and a half to realise I wasn't cut out to be a journalist. ;)

  2. Why thank you,

    I am sort of going the Journalist road, but through COM though.

    However, music is still an option, because I love it so much.

    So, what's your major now?

    Thanks again

  3. congratulations! good luck with all of that

