Friday, October 06, 2006

Two Months? Part 2

The Jennifer Saga

Every time I saw Jennifer, I would get this feeling of failure in my head. I would think, That should have been me there. Jennifer went on being a supervisor, and from what people said about her, she was a terrible one. She treated her people like shit and her fellow management team members hated her.

But it doesn't stop there. Jennifer ended up getting into a great deal of trouble. You see, in UPS, members of management can't have relationships with employees. This meant you couldn't have sex with your workers. Well, Jennifer right along with few other female supervisors were caught having relations with a few of their own employees. In order to save her skin, Jennifer snitched on a few of her supervisor friends, getting them fired. In the end, her snitching didn't help her, because she ended up getting the boot herself. When the news got to me, I was a little shocked. (But, part of me wanted to go in my old boss's office and say, “See you made a big mistake.” I laugh at this, because she was suppose to be his golden child of a supervisor, but the shine came off of her real quick.

The Aftermath

After she got the promotion, I fell into a slump and stopped caring about anything at work. I did the worst thing possible, I gave up. As time went by, I started to resent everything about the place, and I had a bad attitude. The job had won.

The longer I stayed with the company, the more drained I felt. It was at this point that I considered quiting, but I couldn't because the job fully paid for my schooling. Even today, I still look back at that time and get angry over the whole thing.

Yet, there was one good thing to come out of it. I began to move into the creative writing field, and I got involved in a writing workshop. I got in contact with a Professional writer. My focus is creative writing now, and I've moved away from caring about my job.


Two Months

I wish I can say everything turned out for the better. However like everything in life, there are ups and downs. A new guy came into work two months ago. He was and still is green as hell, not knowing anything about the operation. Two months people! Well, I just discovered this week that guy is getting promoted to supervisor today! Basically this green new-hire can tell me what to do. When I heard this bit of news, I got pissed. After all the shit they pulled...

Going up to my supervisor, I asked, “You do realize that this guy has only been here two months, I had years of experience, and they didn't promote me. What gives?”

“They're short handed, and they'll pretty much take anyone at the moment,” he replied, shrugging.

“But a guy that has barely been here two months?” I said, showing how mad I was.

“Why don't you put your application in, James?” he asked with a sly smile.

I frowned and shook my head. “Nope, not going to happen. I'm done with that.”

I really need to quit this job...


  1. Ha, well serve Jennifer right :P

    How long are you planning to stick with this job?

  2. Lol, yeah. I didnt think she would get herself fired in such a extreme way.

    I hope I stick around for 2 more years, that's if I get into UofL

  3. One word regarding Jennifer... Karma. 'nuff said.

    I stopped trying to climb the ladder of corporate success long ago. I live my life OUTSIDE of work, not through it.

    Work is my vocation. Bloggging is my avocation.

  4. Do we have a Prison Break fan here? :P Nicely put Cooper.

  5. I understand, but I’m one of those control-freak guys, and it also goes into my working life as well. (Probably the reason I write).

    Yvonne: I was bored and actually looked up the name DB Cooper
    I was surprised to find out he was a real guy! Interesting how the writers mixed fact with fiction.
