Tuesday, October 10, 2006


A newer Transformers: The movie trailer/teaser


Comment: I like how the Transformers' Ark (Autobots's ship) crashes into the Paramount Mountain!

nike commercial

Comment: This one has a transformer that changes into a Nike shoe. Not sure what tactical advantage changing into a shoe offers, but it looks cool.

Soundwave vs Blaster


Comment: In the Japanese cartoon continuity, Soundwave and Blaster fight it out one last time. This not connected to the American universe

AUTO-BOP part 1

AUTO-BOP part 2

AUTO-BOP part 3

Comment: This is an episode it deals with Blaster and a dance club. Here's the kicker, there is sort of a crossover with GI Joe. The music they play throughout the episode is the same music the Dreadnoughts play in that in the show. Plus, it's a similar plot as well.


  1. I'm a transformer. Mind-mannered rational, thinking man in real life... I jump online and...

    Faster than exlax. More powerful with words than any third grader. Able to leap to any conclusion in a single post --- 'Look, up in the sky,' 'It's a bird,' 'It's a plane,' 'It's Smatarceman....' "

  2. I’m probably more of a jerk offline. I’m more restrained online, strangely enough
