Thursday, October 12, 2006

Tara Reid fixes botched boob job

The way they were...

Tara Reid fixes botched boob job

((LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Actress Tara Reid, whose botched breast surgery made her a Hollywood laughingstock two years ago, underwent additional surgery to repair the damage, according to a report in Us Weekly.))

Yeah, after letting the whole world see her funbags scarred like the moon's surface, she finally had enough, and got them repaired. I don't have a problem with that at all. However, I do have a problem with the fact that she got the boob-job in the first place. What's wrong with having normal size boobs anyway? People come in all shapes and sizes, so boobs should come in all shapes and sizes as well. I like them big or small, as long as they're on a female. (No man-boobs please)

Then again, Tara Reid is one of those drunk college girls that is always making out with everyone at the party. By the time she comes around you, you don't want to touch her or even speak to her. BTW, what has Reid done since American Pie? That Uwe Boll movie doesn't count?


  1. In one of the latest posts on, there's a quote where she says she got her chest done because one boob was bigger than the other. Go figure?

  2. So in return, she got them screwed up, thus having them match. When will Hollywood ever learn?

  3. Well, we're still talking about her, so I guess it worked on some level.

  4. You have a point there, but boobs and drunk Actresses just get my attention.
