Thursday, October 19, 2006

Star Trek Borg (a look back)

Star Trek Borg

Way back in 1996, there was a game released for the PC and Mac called Star Trek Borg. STB was a choose your path sort of game. The game would give you a choice and you would have to make a decision. Most of the decisions were wrong, and you would end up dead. The game used live actors to play the scenes. The game really did feel like an lost episode of Star Trek TNG.

Here's the main story to the game, from IMDB

"At 08:00 during the Battle of Wolf 359, the USS Righteous was struck by a Borg weapons discharge of unknown origin and vaporized." You play the role of Starfleet Cadet Furlong. Your father, the helmsman of the Righteous Lt. Ralph Furlong was killed during the Battle of Wolf 359, when you were but a boy. Ten years have past. The Borg have returned, this time sending 2 heavily armed assault ships. Your ship is on her way to join the fleet forming to make a stand, but your request to not be EVAC is denied. Your chance to avenge your father is blown. Or is it? Q appears without warning and offers you a chance you cannot refuse. Go back in time and prevent your fathers death. Masquerading as Lt. Sprint, the Tactical Officer of the Righteous, and your fathers best friend, you must help the Righteous defeat a Borg threat that takes place hours before Wolf 359 even began.

What made the game so special was that many of the behind scenes people making the game were the same people from the newer Star Trek shows. The late Hilary Bader (from TNG and Batman/Superman TAS) wrote the script, as she also wrote many Trek episodes as well. James L. Conway directed the scenes in the game, and he was also a steady director on the shows up to the Mirror episodes of ST: Enterprise. Long time trek composer Dennis McCarthy (Ducktales) wrote the score to the game. John de Lancie starred as Q in the game.

John de Lancie is a treat to watch in these Videogame clips. Watch these clips to get a feel for the game.

Star Trek Borg: Video 1: The opening to the game.

Star Trek Borg: Video 2B : This clip happens when you don't take Q up on his offer. Q gets pissed and leaves, but not before your commanding officer sees him. The game then ends. I actually like this clip.

Star Trek Borg: Video 2A : This is what happens when you decide to join Q in this story. I just love Q in this scene, so full of energy.

Star Trek Borg: Video 3A : this is my favorite part of the whole game. A Borg grabs a female friend of yours and Q tells you to shoot her.

Star Trek Borg: Video 4C : This is what happens when you shoot your friend. After you shoot her, Q pauses reality and chews you out for shooting her! The expressions on the crew's faces are great.

There are more movies, so just click on the side to watch them.

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