Monday, October 02, 2006



Back in 1997, director John Singleton released the movie Rosewood, which was based on the Rosewood Massacre in Florida during 1923. When a white woman accused a black man of beating and raping her, a mob of white people went into Rosewood, a small black community, and killed many of the residents, and burned the town to the ground. It was later proven that the woman lied about the rape. For years, no one talked about the massacre and it was buried for a long time. Singleton wanted to make sure that dark moment in our bloody history wasn't forgotten. Of course, this movie was ignored and flopped at the Box Office.

Singleton was able to convey anger and sheer madness in the later portion of the movie. It's differcult to watch as the mob kills everyone with black skin in sight. One of the best scenes in the movie was the scene where a neighboring county refused to let the mob cross their line, showing that even other white people didn't want to have anything to do with it. The acting was sometimes over the top, but Jon Voight, Ving Rhames, and Don Cheadle really shine in the film. Voight was the one that stood out the most, because his character had to stay on the fence until he had to do the right thing.

While disturbing, I think Rosewood is one of Singleton's best films.

Grade B+


  1. This movie ranks right up there with a lot of other well-made movies that is difficult emotionally to watch.

    The events are so terrible that it just rips my heart out every time I see it.

  2. The scene where the grandmother gets shot in front of her own house is very sad and intense, so is the scene where the child looks at the mass grave and says, "There's babies in there." I felt so terrible after watching it, but it's one of those movies i think people need to see.

  3. Cripe - sounds really interesting! (Am I sick in the head for saying that?) Thanks for the review Semaj :o

  4. Not at all, yvonne

    I think you'll like it (that doesnt sound right either), it might be hard to find though.
