Friday, October 27, 2006


Porkins (please stay on target)

I remembered watching Star Wars when I was younger and remembering the extremely fat Rebel Pilot named Porkins. I always thought, Man, the rebels must be really hard up for Pilots, if they got this guy.

He looks like the kind of guy that’ll get really angry when he has to stand in line at a Fast-food joint. I’m sure Porkins joined the Rebel Alliance to get the free meals. He didn’t die from enemy fire, but mistakenly hit the self-destruct switch while reaching for a hamburger.

Don’t get me wrong I like Porkins. I like how he has a name that actually fits his appearance. I personally think the new Star Wars TV show should be about him…finding food.

“Did they open a KFC on the Death Star?”


“Copy that, I’ve found them. Red 4, you want a wing and mashed potatoes?”
“Porkins, think about the future!” BAM!
Detective Prokins killed by the Joker.


  1. That second picture... I am dyin'.

    And to prove that I can find any pop cultural reference: Listen Up.

  2. I wish I could take credit for that picture, but google image always finds the best pictures

    Yeah, I would have never noticed that.

    BTW, The leadsinger is cute

  3. Porkins & the pork rinds. That would be a good band name don't you think?

    How about Porkin & beans for a cop show set in Boston? Okay, I quit now. :)

    Porkins & Bess... alright I'm done.

  4. I like the Porkins and Bess.

    Porkins should come out his 'Porkin's Rebel Pork Rinds'

    His book title, 'Porkins, Look at the size of that thing'
