Monday, October 16, 2006

K-Fed + CSI= acting sucks

Man, K-Fed had a cameo on CSI for no apparent reason other than to boost ratings. To no one's surprise, Mr. Spears' acting was pretty bad (not in the good=bad way). I did enjoy the fact that one of the cops gave K-Fed a blow to the gut. I think everyone has wanted to punch K-Fed at one point in their lives, including Britney Spears.

I just love the terrible lines like this: “You're not weak, you're a joke.” Those words coming out of K-Fed's mouth just seem ironic.


  1. "You're not weak, you're a joke."

    I heard he's gonna have that inscribed on his tombstone.

  2. I'm thinking of putting that line on a t-shirt with a pic of K-fed on there. Hell, we can put it on cups, hats and bed sheets.

  3. Man, that was F'ing great, I loved the look on his face after he was slammed, priceless
