Friday, October 13, 2006

Happy Friday the 13th

Friday the 13th

Wow, now I'm freaked out. No, I'm not, because I don't believe in the whole Friday 13th superstition.

Here are some useless bits of info about Friday 13th from

((The origin of the Friday the 13th superstition has been linked to the belief that there were 13 people at The Last Supper of Jesus, who was crucified on Good Friday, but no evidence has been found that Friday 13th was considered especially unlucky until the 19th century. The number 13, however, has a long history of association with ill-luck. It has been linked to the fact that a lunisolar calendar must have 13 months in some years, while the solar Gregorian calendar and lunar Islamic calendar always have 12 months in a year. ))

((In the Spanish-speaking world, it is Tuesday the 13th (as well as Tuesdays in general) that brings bad luck; a proverb runs En martes, ni te cases ni te embarques (on Tuesday, neither get married nor start a journey). ))

Tupac Shakur died on September 13, 1996, a Friday.

Today is Paul Simon's birthday: Okay, maybe there's something to this cursed day after all.

And who can forget the Friday the 13th series. A movie series that proceeded to get worst with each movie. Nightmare on Elm Street was better anyway.

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