Monday, October 09, 2006

Fill 'myspace'

My Space Sucks, but why does it suck?

Comment: I found this fascinating blog discussing the finer points of why Myspace is so popular. This writer hits the nail right on the head, because it is a sort of 'peer pressure' thing for popular people. Think of it this way, Myspace is where all the 'cool' kids from high school end up, while normal blogging is where the nerds, geeks and outsiders end up. So, on a certain level we hate myspace because it's a sort of popularity contest gone horribly wrong.

Do we really need 2k friends on our friends' list?

Do we really need 20 comments saying 'thanks for the add, you rockz!!111!!”?

Why does every other myspace page lock up my computer?

Do we need that much moving flash on a single page?

Just because you like your emo-songs, doesn't mean you have to auto-play them on the damn front page.

Young ladies you don't have to dress like sluts to get attention on your myspace. (I can't believe I wrote that) Unless, you're pornstars, then it's okay...


  1. excellent article. i will have to agree with really how stupid myspace is. it's very open to spam viruses,and all sorts of crap that people think is cool. then again crap is what's popular in american culture. stupidity sells.


  2. And it sells by the pound. There are a few good things about Myspace though, I'll post it later today.

  3. I do both MySpace and a blog, so where does that put me?

    Actually, MySpace for people my age is just to reunite. Hence finding my future bride after not seeing each other for the past nine years since college.

    Otherwise, it seems all the teens use it a LOT. All my bulletin entries are from my teen cousins, and frankly, I'm a little disturbed by their way of thinking!

  4. The keeping in touch element is probably one of the more noble things about Myspace, but the design and sheer spam that one myspace page has is wrong. But it's true teens have made it far worst than I could imagine.

  5. I collect musicians at Myspace... and confession time I guess.

    I used to work for a social networking site.

  6. That was the Original intent of the site. Now, its become a jumbled mess

    So, which social networking site was it?

  7. Actually, Myspace was all about the spam... spam, spam, spam, spam.

    I'll drop you the address of the network in an email. Don't want to publicly diss a former employer, but suffice it to say, it wasn't one of the big 5.

  8. What are doing sluming at MySpace anyway Sem? That place just leaves you dumber and in need of a shower.

    BTW, thanks for the add, you rockz!!111!!

    Here's a BIG hug! Have a great day!

  9. MC: Thanks, I'll check it out!

    DB Cooper: And probably a visit to the local clinic.
    There are some things to enjoy, when it’s not locking my computer up with all the junk.

    No you all Rockz!!!1111!!!!
