Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Enchanted Arms (a look) Xbox 360

Enchanted Arms

The same day I played the new Sonic game, I played a game called Enchanted Arms. This RPG is a strategy game. It is very similar to the famous Strategy RPG Final Fantasy Tactics. The game is good, but it feels rushed somehow.

The Environment

The game is very pretty. The surrounding are full of life and the rivers are very beautiful. The towns and lands are seamlessly combined. It even rivals Elder Scrolls.

The Battle Gameplay

The gameplay during the random battles is turn-based and you have blue square areas showing you where to move and red is for your attack range. It's so much like FFT and Front Mission that I think Square might have grounds for a lawsuit. The character models are highly detailed during the battle, but not so much during the normal exploration mode.

One thing I can't forgive is that the developers never bothered to show the characters actually moving around the battle board. Think of this way, in FFT when you moved your characters around, they would show them running around to their new position. In Enchanted Arms, they just appear on the board in the new position. You're on a next generation system, this shouldn't have happened.

The voice acting

It is Very annoying and there's a lot of it. It's not done badly like the RE series, it's just really too cute for its own good. Girls sound like mice and guys sound like they want to be girls.

If you want better voice acting, see Xenosaga or MGS series.

Since this is one of the few RPGs on the X360, there won't be much, it's well worth it.

It's a drug deal


She's what you call a ranger. She uses guns and has a cute cowboy outfit (this could mean she's a stripper too) on, this means she's better positioned near the rear (hee-hee) for range attacks. Somebody give her some sleeves and some pants, okay, better not.

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