Friday, September 22, 2006

WTF moments on Film

Remember those times during movies when something strange happens and you say, “WTF?”?

Someone else has had those moments too, and he's compiled them.

My faves

American Psycho

This one has the murderer attempt to kill a guy in the bathroom, but gets a little surprise in the end.

Superman II Plastic Powers!

Talk about a weak power. One of the three villains comes charging after Superman, and rips an 'S' off his shirt and throws it at the Villain. The 'S' morphs into a plastic bag and covers the Villain. What does that do?


  1. I don't agree with one of those moments though.

    Raising Arizona...

    Did you watch that guy's mashup videos... now those are WTF moments.

  2. I just love that superman bit a lot. Even when I was a kid, I was like what the hell was that?

    Yeah, his Thundercats one was done really good.

    And thanks for the Camp Granada that one was bloody
