Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Working at night

Working at night…

I work at night. So, I’ve noticed certain things about being on the late-shift.

1 You get to know every checker and gas station clerk that works during the nighttime hours: Even though I’d rather not, I pretty much see the same checkers and clerks every night. For some reason, they believe that there’s a connection between us, so they feel the need to talk to me about silly stuff.

2 Even when you’re off work, you tend to stay up in the late hours anyway: This can get frustrating, especially when you hang out with non-night owls. They want to get to bed, and you’re wide-awake.

3 You get the road to yourself: Yep, you’re the king of the highway. For the most part, no one is on the roads when I drive home from work. Hell, not even the cops are really out either.

4 You get to write in your blog at strange hours: Like 5 AM

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