Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Star Trek: Remastered, news

Here is the trailer for the new Star Trek Remastered show. While I’m more of a modern Trek fan (DS9 TNG), I am really looking forward to this enhanced version of the show.

~The opening is getting a makeover, with a new recording of the theme song (Note: The first season didn’t have the woman singing with the theme, but now that’s been changed.)

~Shatner’s hairpiece gets a CGI makeover and his poor acting improved, okay I made those up. Wishful thinking

The above link will give you everything you wanted to know about the show.

With JJ Abrams taking over the movie series and the remastered TOS, I’m hopping this will be a stringboard for a new group of creators to produce a new TV series. With Berman on his way out, I think it’s time to see some creative people take control, instead of a suit like Berman.

Goodbye Berman

Source, considers passing gas during his interview.


  1. HAHA! Thanks Semaj, as a Trekkie, I got goose bumps watching that trailer! :D

  2. the ship has hit the fan! what a horribly cheesy slogan, but it still looks good.


  3. Yeah, that was the only part I didnt like in the trailer
