Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Spiderman's black outfit in the books

The man in black


I guess to tie in with the Spiderman 3 movie the Spiderman in the comic book will don a new black uniform.

But then again, I could be wrong

((Now, the next Spider-Man film features Peter in the black costume. Was the impetus for moving Spidey into the black costume based solely on the film?

For the most cynical fans out there who'll say Marvel wants Spider-Man in the black costume because of the movie, they're only 10% right. The beauty is we knew 16 months ago as we were planning out the thrust of "Civil War" and beyond, how all of this laid out beautifully for us to move into the future. So, the thing is the timing is perfect. We understand the motivations behind the change. The same as when we were planning "Civil War" and people would guess that maybe Cap would be the pro-registration guy and some complained that he would be, but then they saw how it was rendered and why he was motivated to do what he did. That's what's driving us right now. Character motivations and how they react to what's going on around them. ))

I’ve always liked the black uniform better anyway.

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