Thursday, September 14, 2006

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest Score Review part 2

For Davy Jones, shaving is not an option.

7. Two Hornpipes (Tortuga): Uh, this is just source music for the tavern scene. Not much to say about this piece, except it does seems to fit with the time period. Moving on.

8. A Family Affair: Man, there's a lot of reused cues from some of Zimmer's other film scores in this track. He uses bits of Last Samurai and Batman Begins at the beginning , but there is some nice music at toward the end of this track with the return of the music box theme of Davy Jones. I'm really enjoying the Davy Jones theme.

9. Wheel of Fortune: Clever name to the scene this track is based on. I kind of like the adventure music at the beginning, and the use of the first Pirates movie theme thrown in for good measure. The track slows down a bit with portions of the Jack Sparrow theme, before going into the music box Davy Jones theme, and then the score switches to a small portion of the Kraken theme (why?). I loved the reprisal of the Jack Sparrow theme in all its glory. This is probably my second favorite track.

10. You Look Good Jack: I don't know, this track isn't that fun to listen too. The only thing worth listening to is the heart beats in the middle of the track. Yes, there are heart beats in this track. (kind of like the bat flaps in Batman Begins).

11. Hello Beastie: This ten minute track isn't the best, but there are some nice pieces here. Some of the beginning parts do sound a little like Gladiator. But, I do like the use of the mixed choir in this piece and a harpsichord! Plus, I did really enjoyed the last portion of this track with the old Pirates theme in a sad key. While the first Pirates movie used the exact theme, it was more upbeat. However, the best part of this track is the last few minutes where the sad theme slowly morphs into the upbeat Pirates theme, and it's a nice send off to probably the best scene in the entire movie, (When a certain dead character returns).

12. Bonus Track: Turd track by DJ Crap-maker. I want to know who's bright idea was it to include a stinking Techno remix to the Pirate theme? It's pure junk and a waste of space when more suitable material could place on the album.

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