Sunday, September 10, 2006

Now I know...

Ninja Monkey

Yeah, I am an un-hip guy, so sometimes I heard slang words that I don’t understand. So, I used the Urban Dictionary to learn more. Most of these have been in rap songs.

Trap: the act of going to a place in order to make money by selling drugs or other items, most often illegally. common areas are busy street corners, shopping centers, aparment complexes, and any place of commonly large gatherings of people.

Okay, I now know what a ‘trap’ is.


Monkey: A slang term for female genitalia

Now, I know and knowing is half the battle. Why is it called a monkey? But I like the second term of ‘monkey’ better look below…

Monkey: The most awesome animal in the world. Can be tamed to play instruments, act in movies, etc. He who has a monkey 0wns. One of the three primary ingredients of a good game.

Nothing in life can not be improved with either monkeys, pirates or ninjas

That’s true, if a story, movie, or videogame is lacking, always throw in a Monkey, Pirate, or an f’ing Ninja. How about a Monkey Pirate with Ninja-like skills? (skillz)


  1. Sort of makes the phrase "Spanking the Monkey" a head-scratcher, doesn't it?

  2. I agree, it gives the phrase a whole new meaning.
