Friday, September 29, 2006

Novak: Still Sucking

Novak realizes that for the first time in 20 years he's cracked a smile(Photoshopped?). Plus he realizes that his face is locked into this position.

Jon Stewart vs. Robert Novak

Novak is an asshole, there I said it. I've never really liked the guy, and he makes Tony Snow look like a boyscout. I lost what little respect I had for him when he walked off a show while saying, “This is BS.” He didn't like where the conversation was going and cut and ran. (I'm sure at his advanced age, he didn't do much running.)

John Stewart let's him have it in this clip. These fake news shows have become very big, and I think some of the old news people aren't liking it one bit, from the left and right. Get over it folks.

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