Monday, August 14, 2006

X-Men: The Last Stand score

I wrote a review on X-men 3 a few months back. I wrote that John Powell’s score was basically terrible and didn’t fit into the whole X-Men universe. Well, I bought a copy of the soundtrack and I’m impressed with what I’ve heard from the score.

I have to say that I’m sorry John Powell for all the bad things I said about your score. Can you forgive me? While I felt John Ottman did a better job with his X2 score, Powell wrote a score that’s actually better than the actual mess of a plot called X3.

He uses a full choir of women for his wonderful and tragic Phoenix theme. As I said before, this is probably his best theme and really one of the few themes that stand out from the rest of the score. It felt like it he used Ottman’s Jean Grey theme as a template for his new Phoenix theme. The other prominent theme worth mentioning is a nice theme for Angel, and it is a nice contrast from the dark Phoenix theme. It is the second theme that gets most of the playtime on the CD.

The tracks listed below are the ones that really stand out from the rest.

Dark Phoenix’s Tragedy: This is amazing track with the Phoenix theme strongly taking over the track like the scene in the film. I really like the arrangement of this track. It’s one of the best tracks on the CD.

The Funeral: Works pretty well with some flutes and strings.

Phoenix Rises: This one is made up of mostly choir work and it’s very intense.

The Last Stand: This one is comprised of all the major themes in the film and it is a nice bookend to the CD.

(CD) Grade B


  1. I've actually been juggling whether to buy this track. The music didn't really overwhelm me in the movie, but some parts (Jean Grey/Professor X scenes, in particular) were quite impressive.

    Thanks for the review Semaj.

  2. That's part of the main problem with the Score, there isnt much that stands out except for a few themes. Everything else is Background Action music, but it's still better than the stock scores of Zimmer.

    thanks for dropping in, YT!

  3. Oh my gosh ...what's wrong with Hans Zimmer? I love him. :( ;_;

  4. LOL, sorry
    Yeah, I might have been too harsh Zimmer. I like his Batman Begins and Last Samurai scores; I was just taking a swipe at him for his Pirates score.

    I think Zimmer has helped the whole film-scoring world with bringing in new talent and helping them get a footing into the scoring world, Such as Harry Gregson Williams and John Powell, and many others.

  5. Oh that's fine, I didn't mean to sound like I was whining semaj. Actually, I don't meet too many people with similar taste in music to me. And I agree, Harry G-W is awesome :)

    Gotta disagree with your sentiments about the POTC soundtrack - it's one of my favourites! Klaus Badelt is one to watch.

  6. It's all good.

    Harry Gregson Williams is the man, I'm hopping he does the score to Metal Gear solid 4, but something tells me he's too busy.

    The Time Machine was probably some of Klaus Badelt best work. Loved his 'Time Travel' theme

  7. Hell yeah, it's not bloody MGS without Gregson-Williams. B)

    I haven't heard Badelt's score for 'Time Machine' - thanks for another suggestion, I'll check that out asap :V)

  8. Some wonderful themes in that score, Highly recommended
