Sunday, August 13, 2006

The Wilhelm Scream

The Wilhelm Scream Montage

You’ve heard this scream in many of the action films you’ve seen over the years. It’s kind of an inside joke for sound men to sneak it into movies

Directors like to put it in their films as well. Down below, is a link to more information behind this infamous scream.

The Wilhelm scream is a stock sound effect first used in 1951 for the movie Distant Drums. It has been featured in dozens of movies since. Alongside a certain recording of the cry of the Red-tailed Hawk, the "Universal telephone ring" [1] and "castle thunder," it is probably the most well-known cinematic sound cliché.

((The scream appears in several Peter Jackson films:

  • In King Kong (2005), during the brontosaur stampede, as a sailor is knocked off a cliff.
  • In The Return of the King (2003), a Gondorian emits the scream after he is dropped out of the sky by a Nazgul and a Haradrim emits it after he is thrown off a Mumakil by Legolas.

· In The Two Towers (2002), an elf soldier gets thrown off the wall by an Uruk-Hai Warrior on wall of Helm's Deep. )) For the same film.


  1. Yeah, once you know what it sounds like, you hear it almost every time when it is used in a movie. It is a good bit of trivia, and provides quite the laugh when you notice it.

  2. So true, I get a laugh out of each time I hear it, even when it's low and nearly hidden
