Friday, August 18, 2006

Sora was drunk...I mean Haley Joel Osment,1,2327470.story?coll=la-headlines-pe-california

Haley Joel Osment (Sora) is in a lot of trouble. But at least he didn’t insult the cops like Sergeant Martin Riggs (Gibson).

((Haley Joel Osment, the 18-year-old actor injured in a car crash in La Cañada Flintridge last month, has been charged with misdemeanor drunk driving, authorities said Thursday

Osment lost control of his 1995 Saturn in La Cañada about 1 a.m. July 20. The vehicle flipped over, and Osment suffered a broken rib and a shoulder injury.))

Right, now Osment is feeling lonely and confused, but he can depend of his friends Donald Duck and Goofy.

Wow, I made it through an entire Osment post without making a Sixth Sense joke.

Maybe next time. Sora is the Keymaster, so no jail cell can hold him


  1. He was driving a '95 Saturn? Wow, you'd think he could've afforded a better car than THAT.

  2. You’re right, even I have a better car than that and I’m broke as hell!

    Good thing he didn’t try to outrun them, because that car wouldn’t have made it.
