Monday, August 28, 2006

Random Thoughts

~I was at the bank, filling out a deposit slip, when a construction guy stood beside me filling out a deposit. The dude smelled like a walking bottle of alcohol. I mean he smelled really bad. I guess drinking before work will do that to you. I quickly filled out the slip and stood in line. Of course, he walked up and stood in line behind me, stinking up the place.

~There’s this new guy at my crappy job that has the worst teeth I’ve ever seen. They’re jacked. They’re so messed up that we gave him the nickname Rocks, because he looks like he’s been chewing on some rocks. One day last week, Rocks came in missing some of his already messed up teeth! And, he’s okay with it. The thing I’ve noticed is that people with messed up teeth tend not to smile as much. Rocks didn’t get the memo.

~Want to see Christopher Hitchens Flip the bird? What a jerk? At least he didn’t throw a chair.

~Check this out: Korean Girl Has Seizure

~I have to come up with a query letter for my search for a book agent, and I have to come up a title today for my manuscript.

~I’ve officially seen the first terrible (XBOX360) Next Generation game. Just Cause The game is really bad, the way the character walks and runs looks stupid. They spent too much time on the background, and not enough time on the character models.
Reminds me of Miami Vice: the movie, which is a bad thing.
Bad in a bad way

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