Thursday, August 10, 2006

Face on a Chair

Watch as a man’s face beats up a chair.

If you can’t win an argument, you can simply throw a chair at the other guy.

((The man who threw the chair is Tony Katz, a Republican and the host of an Internet talk show.

The man hit by the chair is Joe Redner, a Democrat running for a county commission seat. Redner also is the well-known owner of a Tampa strip club.))

What a sore loser this Tony Katz is. He gets all bitchy and storms off like a little spoiled fat kid.

There were two ways he could have handled it:

1 Simply ignoring the insult and pointing out that the guy was way off topic, thus showing that Katz was the better man.

2 Or, he could have set the plastic chair on fire and then thrown it at the guy.

Have we gotten so bitter about politics that this is what it boils down to? If someone doesn’t agree with your issues, you attack them?
And you only thought the folks in the WWE threw chairs…

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