Thursday, August 24, 2006

The Benchwarmers

The Benchwarmers

This movie sucks. There’s not much else to say about this crap movie. The basic premise of this movie is that a group of nerds take on a bunch of 9 year olds in a collection of baseball games. The movie stars Rob Schneider, David Spade, and Jon Heder, three people who should never star in any movie, let alone together. Spade looks bored and is merely collecting a paycheck. Heder simply plays a nastier version of his Napoleon Dynamite character. And, Schneider is just having a bad streak in movies.

The movie is unfunny, but it’s also a by the numbers Adam Sandler produced film. Reggie Jackson (Jesse Jackson’s baseball playing half brother) is in this film in a very unfunny montage, he’s better in the Naked Gun movie; hell he’s better in BASEketball. In this movie he just looks sleepy. For some reason, Jon Lovitz took time out of his Subway sandwich schedule and did this turd of a film. Lovitz, stick to those Subway ‘eat fresh!’ spots, and keep Jarred off those ads.

The only thing worth seeing in this movie is William Daniels reprising his role as the car KITT from Knightrider. He shows up un-credited, smart movie KITT!

Grade D+

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