Thursday, July 27, 2006

X-men (2000) Review

X-Men 1

While over at a friend's house, we popped in the old (2000) X-men movie. We both commented on how believable and tight the plot was compared the sloppy X3. Bryan Singer and David Hayter created a world that was not unlike our own, yet had a comic book feel to it as well. What Singer also brought to the movie was character relationships and interactions. The center relationship in the movie was between Wolverine and Rogue. We got to see how Rogue looked up to Logan as father figure and maybe something more.

In this movie, Singer's direction was more laid back than Ratner's in X3. Singer let the story play out in a slower pace, letting characters develop in the film and allowing the plot unfold naturally. Watching Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen battle over ideas, while still having respect for one another was wonderful to watch.

There are a few drawbacks to the film however, one of them being Halle Berry . She seems uncomfortable playing Storm and she acted too weak in the film. Storm is a strong character in the comic, and don't get me started with the accent. Michael Kamen scored the film, and the score just doesn't work for me at all. There really isn't a true central theme in the whole damn film. (I guess Singer felt the same way, because he replaced Kamen with John Ottman, who did a superior job in X2.)

It has been six years since this movie was released and it holds up extremely well. I wonder if people will feel the same way about X3 in six years...

Grade B+

One of my favorite scenes.
Cyclops: “Yo, X, can you get Star Trek: TNG on this?”
Professor Xavier: “No, and shut up.”


  1. The first is still my favorite of the three. Good stuff.

  2. I loved this movie, but I felt that X2 has a better story, but then again they're basically one movie
