Tuesday, July 25, 2006

LCARS: Library Computer Access and Retrieval System

LCARS Web site…


This was in the Awful Link of the Day on Something Awful, but I really like this page. It makes me want to have it as a program.

What is LCARS? Here ya go http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LCARS

((fictional universe, LCARS (an acronym for Library Computer Access and Retrieval System), is a computer operating system used on Federation starships. Within Star Trek chronology, the term was first used in Star Trek: The Next Generation and in subsequent shows. In a real-world context, the term "LCARS" is frequently used to describe the style of the computer displays of the LCARS system, especially the screens from The Next Generation. The term "Okudagrams," named for Michael Okuda, the designer of the graphics, is also used to refer to this style. The design is popular among Star Trek fansites.))

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