Friday, July 28, 2006

John Tucker 2: Still Dying

Parents are stupid. One of the things that always pisses me off is the fact that parents always throw this thing back in our faces, “I don’t want my kid seeing this. If you had children, you’d understand.” Below is such a post.

However, I do agree with the poster that this John Tucker viral movie promotion is getting on my nerves.

From John Tucker Must Die (2006) board (mahatmarandy )

((I'd never heard of this film until a little bit ago when I saw the longest TV commercial I've ever seen for any movie, much less a dopey little teen sex comedy like this. The commercial had a lot of lurid, dirty stuff in it, and my kid and I were watching TV, so I kept changing the channels so he wouldn't see any dirty stuff, then changing back a minute or two later hoping the commercial was over, only to see chicks kissing or a guy wearing women's underwear, or various inappropriate-for-seven-year-olds-to-watch stuff. The one commercial took up the entire commercial break, like 3 minutes. Amazing. It generated no interest in seeing the flick - I gave up teen sex comedies when I stopped being a teen - it must have cost a bundle to eat up an entire break like that, and it (Apparently) told every damn plot point.
It was a bit too steamy for 6:15 PM viewing, and on top of that, it basically was a 3-minute synopsis of the entire flick. I'm pretty sure anyone in the audience could tell you virtually everything that will happen based on this.
Just a bizarre marketing strategy.))

And now a wonderful response by the strangely named poster Miss_PMS

((What a moron. Your kid isn't going to die because he saw 2 girls barely kiss, because they don't in the commercial. Its not like they were frenching for the whole commercial. He's not even going to remember it.
You're one of those MPAA nuts who thinks everything should be watered down just so their kids don't see those "awful dirty innapropriate things" when they don't even know what the hell it is.

Preach on Mrs. PMS! (I can’t believe I said that.)

Side Note: All the ads and other promotional material have pretty much shown us the entire movie. The only good thing to come out of this movie being released is that we don’t have to see this junk anymore.

I hope John Tucker dies, the movie I mean.


  1. cute blog! i know i missed the day but I love Strong Bad too!
    keep up the good work

  2. Thanks Mayren, Yeah a guy from work got me hooked on Homestar.
    Thanks for commenting too.

  3. If the roles had been reversed and the movie was about three guys trashing a teen girl, Jane Tucker Must Die, the movie would be picketed.

  4. You know, Strangely enough, I would have watched that version of the movie. But, yeah that’s right the movie would probably never get beyond the greenlit stage.
