Sunday, July 30, 2006


I’ve been impressed with Deadwood this season. There have been a lot of interesting things happening this year on the show. It seems the writers are setting up the big fire that happened in the real Deadwood.


((A fire on September 26, 1879 devastated the town, destroying over 300 buildings and consuming everything belonging to many inhabitants. Unable to reenact the climbs to fortune which had characterized the town's early days, now that its economy was more mature, without the promise of rich untapped veins of ore in the wilderness for anyone to claim, many of the newly impoverished left town to try their luck elsewhere.))

Here’s another interesting fact most of the characters on the show were real people, Calamity Jane and Wild Bill Hickok naming a few.

Wyatt Earp and George Hearst are major factors in the show this season. (The Hearst family is still around today with newspapers and other media outlets. Patty Hearst is a part of this family as well.)

((There is some indication that Earp traveled to Deadwood, South Dakota Dakota Territory, during the winter of 1876-7.))

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