Sunday, July 02, 2006

An asteroid nears

Bruce: “Die Hard 4 is looking very interesting now.”
Great, Arwen (the Elf lady) is cheating on Aragorn with Daredevil.
Cutting it close

((-- An asteroid speeding across the Northern sky will make its closet approach to Earth in more than 80 years Monday night -- and even then it will be farther away than the moon. Scientists say the rocky object, known as 2004XP14, poses no threat to the planet; it can't be seen by the naked eye. And because it is flying at a speed of nearly 11 miles a second -- nearly 4,000 mph -- it should prove an elusive target for even the best of amateur astronomers, even those armed with high-powered telescopes. ))

This time we won’t need Jerry Bruckheimer to save us. Sorry Bruce Willis, no Armageddon or The Fifth Element this time.

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