Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Up in the sky...

There’s a cloud of positive buzz floating around Superman Returns, so here’s some more.


((Hollywood's two trade newspapers, Daily Variety and Hollywood Reporter, gave the movie strong reviews, with The Reporter describing it as "a heartfelt Superman movie that plays to a broad audience thanks to an emotionally troubled Man of Steel."

Daily Variety critic Todd McCarthy said director Bryan Singer had imprinted the Warner Bros. movie with its own personality. "'Superman Returns' is never self-consciously hip, ironic, post-modern or camp. To the contrary, it's quite sincere, with an artistic elegance," he said. ))

((Newsweek said Singer, who left the popular "X-Men" franchise to make "Superman Returns," did the right thing from the start of "this gorgeously crafted epic" by showing respect for the most foursquare comic superheroes of them all.))

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