Friday, June 16, 2006

I've been Been knocking boots, I mean really knocking boots.

I’m like a packrat. I generally keep things way after their prime and mainly because I’m too cheap to buy new things. At work, I had these old ratty steal toe boots. They were at least 3 years old and had holes in the bottom. However, I liked them.

Two days ago, after work, I was walking to my car. I rested my old boots on the back of the car on the trunk and unlocked the doors. I got inside and drove off, that was when I heard a huge thud from behind.

“WTF? Did I just hit someone or something?”

I looked back in my side-view mirror and saw my damn boots on the street. I had forgotten to take them inside the car with me. I stopped the car and looked back at the boots one more time and I made a decision, I drove off without them. I left them behind. It felt like I’d left a friend out in a battlefield.

That’s okay; I just got some new ones yesterday.



  1. That's the saddest fucking story I HAVE EVER READ!!

  2. why thank you, Andrew.

    I miss those boots...
