Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Warcraft (Plus Arts and Crafts) movie


Chud has reported that a Warcraft movie is on the way

Comment: It could work as long as they can come up with an okay story. Hey, DOOM wasn’t crappy, bad but not crappy.

((Now there’s a Warcraft movie in development and I hope it captures that unique flavor. I also hope it captures the unique odor of nerds awake all night, subsisting on Doritos and Mountain Dew and losing their day jobs. I also hope there’s a scene where that hot night elf our hero was cybering with turns out to be a fat dude in a basement in Cleveland.))

I can see the audience now, a theater full of nerds and geeks mostly male and all smelly. 2% of them will actually have girlfriends, mostly Emo chicks and Sailor Moon fans.

Count me in!


  1. oh, no, I hope not. LOL. Never has a director had such a loosing streak as he does with videogames.
