Friday, May 19, 2006

Random Thoughts

Oh, no

Random Thoughts

~I hopped into my car today and pulled out. That was when I noticed a noise. And, a shake. I had a flat tire. I pulled my car back in and went to work on my tire, bringing out a Jack and Spare tire. It only took me like 10 minutes to Get-R-Done.

~I stuck my head out of disconnection-ville and noticed we had a new guy on our belt at work. This guy is at least 450 pounds. I don’t want to sound rude, but this guy is huge, like small planet huge. He has like his own orbit and a couple of moons. This guy really looks just like Harry Knowles for real. For some reason, he’s decided to work in one of the most physical jobs in part time, UPS. Did I mention he can barely walk and has to sit down after a few minutes? He wears glasses and has scruffy chin-hair.

And the smell, oh, boy. The guy stinks like a gym locker room. I mean the guy smells really bad. I don’t know exactly why. I could never figure that out either. I’m hoping he quits before summertime comes along, because the smell is going to be a lot worst.

~I’m currently listening to the Superman movie score from my computer.

~Got to get back to writing the book, take care.


  1. Is that Harry Knowles. Ye gad, the dude has his own weather system. Stop with the extra butter on your popcorn!

  2. Yeah, that's Harry and he's worst now, because he can't even walk and has to drive around in one of those scooter things
