Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Making the best Chick Flick. Part 2 (My Best Friend's Stupid Fat Geek Wedding)

“Are you sure you don’t want to borrow it?”

((Step Three: Don't Forget the Best Friend))

Yeah, this best friend is usually a little wacky and usually doesn’t have a date of her own. She lives her life through Megan Chambers’ life. She can be any race. Megan has to reveal things to her best friend whenever possible.

Want to make the friend funnier? Have her always mention her vibrator(s). Funny stuff…

The best friend has to say this, “If you don’t get him in bed, I will. He’s so fine.” (Don’t forget to throw in a vibrator joke.)

When Megan has her doubts about life, this annoying chick will cheer her up. “You’ll make it. You’re poetry is too good not to be read. Oh, by the way, want to borrow my vibrator?”


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