Friday, May 05, 2006

I hate Grillz

I hate Grillz

Ayland a few months back mentioned grillz over at his blog

And it got me to thinking about how much I hate grillz. I can stand them. Here’s why

1) The shine is so bright that I start looking at the guy’s mouth and nothing more. I don’t know about you, but I don’t really want to look at a dude’s mouth all day.

2) They’re just plain stupid.

At work there is this new guy that is around 18 years old and he’s just not very smart. I found out he dropped out of high school as well. Anyway, I walk into work and discover that he is sporting a stupid grill. It only takes me a second to get really pissed.

“Why the hell are you wearing a f’ing grill?” I asked.

He looked at me with confusion. “What’s wrong with it?”

“Uh, it’s a grill and you’re at work. Who are you trying to impress? I don’t like it.”

As if, that will stop him.

I hate Grillz


  1. Wow. How much does all that cost? If you get knocked in the mouth will that break your teeth? Is eating even possible without getting stuff jammed in there?

  2. It depends on the bling and amount of gold. It's has only started to get popular here in Louisville.

    I couldnt imagine eating with that junk in my mouth.

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