Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Bathroom blues

Bathroom blues

Saturday night, I went to see X-men 3, before we went into the theater I went into the restroom and took a pee. Now, this was one of those new bathrooms that have sensors on everything. It will flush the toilet and wipe your ass for you (I made the second part up, but it will happen someday.).

I noticed the lights were dimmed to a warm brown that gave the restroom a strange vibe. (What were they going for here? A Romantic mood while taking a pee?) There was strange 80s music that was piped in from an unseen speaker. I guess they wanted you to feel at ease when you took a dump in a public bathroom. I certainly didn’t feel that way…er, I didn’t take a dump in there.

I went to the sinks, and they were sensor activated as well. I filled my hands up with the liquid soap and placed my hands under the sink.

Nothing happened. No water.

Now, I started getting pissed. (Uh, I just took a piss.) I thumped the little black sensor with my soapy hands and still nothing. Damn it…

I looked over and there was a cop washing his hands under the other sink with no problems. I got more pissed. Then, I removed my hands and the water came on and quickly shut off again and again.

Next to me, still washing his hands, the cop laughed. “It looks like you’re having a problem there.”

No sh*t, TJ Hooker, it is a true mystery why you haven’t become a detective yet. I nodded and then finally the water came on. In the end, I managed to wash my hands. Free at last…

Damn your new age restrooms


  1. I HATE those kind of bathrooms. I especially hate the paper towel dispensers that only give one paper towel at a time, and you have to wait ten seconds in between each paper towel.

    The bathrooms with the people who hand you towels are also creepy.

  2. I hate those newfangled electronic bathrooms, too. I had a problem with the sink not long ago, and the guy next to me says that the sensors' battery probably ran out.

    The worst is the auto-flush toilet. There's no way to courtesy flush!

  3. @ Glitch: I could agree more with those bathroom serivants. Those guys are creepy. Who would ask to get job like that. Plus I feel strange tipping the bathroom guy.

    @Jeff: So true about the auto-flush machine. It should be programed for courtesy flush.
