Tuesday, April 25, 2006

unintentionally borrowed

I Love Spin, here is another reason why


Comment: This is great; everyone is stealing from everyone else.

((NEW YORK, NY, United States (UPI) -- A 19-year-old Harvard sophomore whose newly released book is a hot seller says she unintentionally borrowed from another author`s work.))

How do you unintentionally borrow? Okay, I go to a friend’s house and I take his Xbox 360. Does that mean I unintentionally borrowed his system?

What about cars?

“I’m sorry, your honor, but I unintentionally borrowed that guy’s car.”

Now, there are many people that end up having the same idea, but this below is different.

((Harvard`s Crimson Web site cited 13 instances in which Viswanathan`s book closely paralleled McCafferty`s work, but the New York Times said there are at least 29 passages that are strikingly similar.))

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