Friday, April 07, 2006

Paula Abdul gets to chew wall

Paula Abdul receives a smackdown,19736,1181208,00.html

Comment: Why the hell would anyone want to attack Paula? She gave the world hits like “Cold Hearted Snake” and other greats that I’ve forgotten.

((Paula Abdul filed assault charges with Hollywood police on Tuesday against a man who allegedly slammed her into a wall, the Associated Press reports.
The American Idol judge told police she was at a private party at about 1 a.m. on April 2 when a man she was arguing with grabbed her arm and threw her against a wall, according to a police spokesman.))

There are only two people that could have done this evil act: The Rock, because he always lays Smackdowns. And, MC Skat Cat. After that video, Paula’s career took off, and he went back to Toon Town forgotten and broke. He took a crap job as a stand in on Tom & Jerry. I’m leaning toward the Cat.

Two steps forward...
He's a cold hearted cat, Look into his eyes. He’s been telling lies...

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