Sunday, April 02, 2006

Dr. Jones hates the Internet

Dr. Jones: “Even though I live in the 20’s and 30s, and I don’t know what the Internet is yet, I still hate it.”

This came from

((Harrison Ford hates the internet, because it means anyone can spread malicious gossip about him. The actor, who plays a computer-security specialist in his latest film Firewall, sees a need to censor his words to avoid being misrepresented online. He says, "The worst thing about the internet is that anything and everything is up for grabs. How can that be, when I limit my public conversations to about once every couple of years? Any kind of rubbish goes on the internet and it can have a f**king life of its own."))

Ford hates the Internet. Screw you, Mr. Jones.

And for no reason at all, I’m going to quote from one of the best lines from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

Encountering a painting of the Ark of the Covenant]
Elsa: What's this?
Indiana Jones: Ark of the Covenant.
Elsa: Are you sure?
Indiana Jones: Pretty sure.

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