Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts

~Yesterday, we had a communication day. This was a day when various members of the local media came to school to talk to students. I stayed for all the speakers, so I sat there for about 5 hours listening to these people. I really enjoyed it.

~I’ve caught another cold. Currently, I’ve taken a LOT of cold medicine, and I am feeling very strange.

~Midterms are here, and I am feeling the pressure.

~The Army called me today. They want me to be all that you can be. It should be noted that I’m in my late 20’s and they still want me. Of course I turned them down.

~Shaq should make a sequel to Kazaam. Kazaam II: Sucks More Than The First One

~I’ve noticed that I don’t buy the local newspaper; I always buy the New York Times and USA Today. I just don’t care about Louisville and what’s happening on the local level.

~Why do lawyers think it’s cool to do their own ads.


  1. The Army calls everyone apparently under 30! They called me. I'm a stay at home mom of two children, one on the way! I'm not in the great shape I used to be in my early years. I am almost 30 and they still want me? Apparently I signed something last year at a NASCAR race with the Army and they called me from that "survey". I signed up for a free dog tag, that's it.

  2. Man, that's crazy. I wonder how they found me. What's funnier is that when I was 18, the army actually came to my house.

    Thanks for stopping by.
