Friday, March 10, 2006

Random Thoughts (mac daddy will make you jump jump)

I dont know why I have them in this post. What happened to these two?
Jump Jump

Random Thoughts

~I’ve been busy trying to finish yet another chapter in my book, while working on a major music paper for my MUS class. Yes, it is Spring Break next week.

~I am more than pissed about having to go into work an hour and a half early for a training/meeting. I’ll have to make sure that I’m in a rotten mood when I show up.

~I saw a woman I knew from my old Kroger days. She asked me, “So, where’s your girl at?”

“I don’t have an girlfriend at the moment,” I replied.

She said, “Why is a nice guy like you dating someone?”

Nope…there’s more to dating women than being nice…like money.

I spend a great deal of time by myself, and I hate when it’s pointed out to me that I’m single. No sh*t, buddy.

~Because I’m a huge fan of the game Skullmonkeys here’s info on the strange music composer Terry Scott Taylor.

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