Saturday, March 25, 2006


Get-R-Oh shut up Larry

I never really understood Larry the Cable Guy Thing. Then again, I’m a black man that grew up in a middle class home in a mix neighborhood. Trailer parks and mullets were frowned upon here in the Eastend of Louisville. So, I’m not supposed to ‘get it’.

Anyway, here are a few reviews on the so-called movie with Larry as the star.,0,3843972.story?coll=orl-calmoviestop

Comment: ((Larry, a.k.a. Sanford's Dan Whitney, drives his mudder pick'em-up truck, the one covered in American flag, gun-nut and Hooters bumper stickers, lets his jeans ride too low, wears his sleeveless flannel shirts and lets loose with his trademark redneck riffs as he tries to solve a series of food poisonings leading up to a city-wide "cook off."

His exclamations are NASCAR-ready.

"Good Lord, Jesus, and Dale Earnhardt Jr.!))

Oh, great…

MOVIE REVIEW: Larry's movie not even worthy of cable

Comment: ((SMW) - Larry the Cable Guy's signature line is "Get 'er done." Halfway through his debut movie, you're likely to say, "I wish this were done."))

Nice one, reviewer!

Oh, yeah, it would appear that Larry might not be a true redneck: Larry the Cable Guy

Everyone grab your flannel shirts and let’s watch the damn movie. (okay, maybe not)


  1. There's nothing to get. The guy's an idiot and he's not the least bit funny.

  2. I actually find his stand-up pretty funny when it's not focused entirely on bodily functions, but no way, no how will I ever see this movie.

  3. @ Glitch: So, true Actually he's TV right now...

    @Jeff: Sadly the entire movie has fart and poop jokes, and nothing else.
