Friday, January 20, 2006

Same dress...

Uh, here’s a shocker: both dresses are ugly so what...

Comment: ((Reese Witherspoon was horrified when she learnt that the gown designed for her for the Golden Globe Awards had been worn by Kirsten Dunst in 2003.))

I don’t get this whole thing about women wearing the same dresses/clothes crap anyway. It’s just not that way with guys. When a guy sees another guy wearing the same shirt, he simply says, “Nice shirt, dude.” Then again, I’ve never understood women to begin with, so there.

Anyway, I found the whole thing funny between the two women.


  1. Heh, I guess 'vintage' Chanel means "three years old." Wow, styles really come back sooner these days.

  2. LOL, that mens these jeans I'm wearing are vintage sweet!

  3. It also happened to Natalie Portman. Chanel stock will be dropping about 99 percent by Monday.
