Monday, January 16, 2006

A really bad trailer

Okay, at the theater, I watched one of the worst trailers I’ve ever seen. It was a Kirsten Dunst movie by the name Marie-Antoinette. You can watch it here

The trailer has the worst music ever, but especially for a movie set before the French Revolution. Who in the hell thought it was a good idea to show the trailer with rock music. It’s basically a music video with a very pale Dunst running around in those stupid dresses. There is a flash of her almost nude though.

Now, the trailer tries to show us this movie is “fun” and hip. Uh, sorry I don’t buy it. The whole timeline that this movie was set in was one of the worst times in history for the normal French people (Uh, besides the multiple times Germany invaded the country). She was a foreign woman that became Queen of France. She was known for her expensive taste, while millions of common French people starved. When the French Revolution caught up with her, they beheaded her husband (the King) and then beheaded her.

Does this sound like a “fun”, hip movie? No?

People, this is marketing at its worst.

(BTW, don’t get me started on what happened after they won the Revolution)

1 comment:

  1. WTF? That looked like a spoof of period pieces, like Garden State 1788. Or A Knight's Tale meets The Man In the Iron Mask.
