Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Ray Nagin has lost his mind,

Here's the link

Yes, Ray Nagin has lost his mind. As a black man, I feel insulted by his off the wall statements. Sorry Mayor, but you represent all the people in that city not just one group. You can’t make racist statements like this on Dr. King’s day.

(("Surely God is mad at America. He sent us hurricane after hurricane after hurricane, and it's destroyed and put stress on this country,"))

I cringe whenever I hear a right-winger public figure mentions “god”, so you can imagine how I feel when this guy makes a statement like this. Yes, this guy is just as bad as Pat Robertson.

Note: Nagin should get just as much blame for what happen as Mr. Bush. They both f’ed up. These are our leaders folks and we voted them in, I’d say it’s time to throw out both parties and start over.

Crap, I wonder if the government will record that remark. Is that a knock at the door?

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